Our promise to you

We 100% guarantee your own materials will ever be used in your jewellery.

We work under a strict process, with your inclusions very clearly labelled, and a guarantee never to touch anyone else's inclusions. From the moment your package arrives, until it is out our door.
We promise we keep all information and stories relating to each piece of jewellery confidential, unless otherwise granted written permission to share. We work with all materials with love and respect for the families and their journey's which brought you to us 

We will ensure our best handmade quality is put in to each item. We treat your packages and jewellery with the love, respect and dignity each piece deserves. Each persons journey is different from the next, and with this, Beyond The Willow Tree is passionate in capturing what it means to have such sacred and special keepsakes to last a lifetime.

We are honoured with what we do and provide families worldwide with a range of professionally created & individually hand crafted keepsake jewellery pieces.


Contact form

If you have any questions please contact us below


You can alternatively reach us at beyondthewillowtree@outlook.com

We look forward to chatting with you soon!

Melanie & Roshnee.