Hair keepsake flecks & shimmer recommendations

When working with hair only keepsake stones which do not contain a base of other inclusions such as cremation ash or breastmilk, we will automatically add pearl shimmer & light opal flecks as the base of your stone.

Below are some other recommendations if you would like to request a different tone.

Light hair or fur
Light hair are tones which include white, blonde and grey. In our experience, we find this tone of hair to sometimes become more opaque than any other tone of hair.
With this in mind, we strongly recommend only pearl shimmer, moonstone shimmer (new!) & light opal either on their own or together for this tone of hair
Very subtle light flecks with above combination, such as light pink, light purple, light blue etc works beautifully.

Please note that grey & light to white blonde hair risk being unseen due to the light tones & how they can react in the materials we use to set each stone. We are happy to use our experienced creative judgement when working with light blonde & grey hair, however, please understand the natural tone of hair is out of our control. 

Medium hair or fur
Medium hair are tones which include medium blonde (especially when wet) brown, and red.

We recommend the options listed for light hair above, along with the combinations of the following - 
Pearl or moonstones shimmer & light opal either on their own or together.
Flecks such as light opal, or any other light toned flecks (eg. light pink).
Gold shimmer works beautifully either on it's own or accompanied by your choice of flecks.

If you request coloured flecks with medium hair, we will automatically create a more concentrated solid coloured look in your hair stone using your choice of flecks & shimmers. 

Dark hair (dark brown to black)
Dark hair are tones which include dark blonde (especially when wet) brown, and black.

We recommend the options listed for light & medium hair above, along with the combinations of the following - Pearl, moonstone or gold shimmer with all coloured fleck choice works great with dark hair.

If you request coloured flecks with dark hair, we will automatically create a more concentrated solid coloured look in your hair stone using your choice of flecks & shimmers.

Please note that all natural inclusions are as individual as the person, and no two pieces will ever look the same. What may look bright and colourful in someone else's keepsake stone may look quite different in yours. This mainly applies for materials such as ashes, where colour differences can vary significantly. We will always aim to create the perfect balance of tones & effects in your chosen materials.

We can not control how the flecks/shimmers set within the stone. Some may be an even spread, other times the shimmers can settle together. Each combination will look different depending on how it settles.

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We look forward to chatting with you soon!

Melanie & Roshnee.